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Equipo 1



The Desertification causes the pollution of the enviroment, because of the actions of the human beings. For this reason, several organizations have created asociation to help the enviroment. Some asociations are CONAFORD, PRONAFOR, PNACD and CNULD, these asociations implemented actions to eradicate desertification. For example the reforestation, monitoring of droughts, collection of rainwater for crops, protection of the vegetation cover against the erosion by wind and water.













We as a team propose the next actions to take care of the anviroment; we must plant the trees in the green areas, we musn’t waste water, we needn’t water plants with lot of water, and we should take a shower in 5 minutes. We shouldn’t wash the car with a hase; we ought to collect rainwater, we ought not to litter in the Street, and we may implement and carry out the actions to be careful with the enviroment. Also, to live we life better; we might plant trees to reduce the desertification, we could avoid the desertification and we will have a better future.

In conclusion, we consider it important to make responsible use of the actions that are being implemented by these associations and to consider the great change that can be generated with small actions that are carried out individually.

Equipo 1



The issue is desertification that is the process of degradation ecological in which the floor fertile totally or partially lost its potential production . Also is the degradation of the Earth.

Some causes are destruction of the vegetable cover for drought and contamination, erosion of the floor because of the wrong use of the water and the floor, and human activities because of misuse of water, climate change and actions destructive for example water scarcity creates conflicts in Nations that suffer from water.

Some effects are the disappearance of the fertile floor for water scarcity, shortage of water for global warming because of the burning of fuels, lost of biodiversity for contamination of the human activity, fire forest for the deforestation and industrial growth for throw toxic waste into the water. We want to know how to make a change, decrease the contamination, generated is problem, by man has made to eradicate it and the consequences failure to do something soon.







Some solutions that we propose for the desertification are to reduce the emission of gases of greenhouse effects to change the use of fossil fuels by green energy. Reforest green areas to avoid erosion the floor, foment the watch out and preservation of the water. Also proper use of land for example the use of products friendly with the environment, in addition to the cleaning of water sources because of the pollution of the water contributes to erosion.


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